Asynchronous Work - Nola Simon
[00:00:00] Nola Simon: This is the Janus Oasis and I am Nola Simon. The host. The Janus Oasis in the private community has actually different skills that need to be built for the future as well. And one of the topics that's really. Being discussed an awful lot as a synchronous work. So have you actually looked at the work that needs to be done within your organization, within your team for you personally?
[00:00:30] Nola Simon: And determine what needs to be synchronous, meaning it has to happen at the same time as other people are working. And what can be asynchronous. So for example, if you have to have a meeting and there have to be people involved, And they're actively participating in talking at the same time. That's synchronous work.
[00:00:50] Nola Simon: But if there is a project that you're working on and there needs to be research done. There needs to be design work done. There needs to be. Work. If it's done [00:01:00] offline that's focused work. That's very specific to the individual. That's asynchronous work. So what tools, what powers do you have within your organization really to determine how much of a role really can be synchronous and how much can be asynchronous, because that really helps inform the strategy.
[00:01:20] Nola Simon: In terms of hybrid remote work. If the majority of the work that the person does really is asynchronous. Is there a real need to force them into a certain number of days in the office. When their work is highly focused. How do you look at how they interact with different roles, different silos within the organization?
[00:01:43] Nola Simon: And how does that. Really inform. How you make it fair. And how you structure the work. It's their work. That's being done synchronously right now. That's contributing to mental fatigue. So zoom fatigue, for example, just [00:02:00] overwork in general, because so much of the meeting is really. FaceTime. And it's not really productive because nothing is actually being decided in those meetings. Have you really looked at your meetings to see whether they are.
[00:02:13] Nola Simon: Driven by an agenda, whether work is being done within the meetings or whether it's actually moving forward. And making decisions because honestly, if you're using meetings to actually do work, that's not a good use of meeting time. Meaning time is really. For those discussions, the collaboration that people can't necessarily do on their own.
[00:02:37] Nola Simon: And can you make the decisions? Can you make. Progress in terms of what the next steps are. That's what the meeting is for. And then you take that away. And then you work on what can be worked on. You can give updates. It's synchronously as well. There are tools that allow you to record. voice memos and really just send updates. You can just send a voice memo. You [00:03:00] can send a quick note, basically with an update.
[00:03:04] Nola Simon: And then. Give the update and then ask for the next piece that you need. You don't need to do that synchronously. So that's a skill. And that's part of the strategy in terms of.
[00:03:18] Nola Simon: Rejigging how the work is done. That we can really look at in the private community, because there are all kinds of tools that support it. So yak. Kids one loom as another, you can do like a demo of something and record it. And then ask for comments later so people can watch little like mini trainings when they have time.
[00:03:40] Nola Simon: There's lots of different things that we can do that. And that's honestly what we're doing within the community to you. I'm posting things. We can have a discussion about that later. That's ACM grass work. And then. Schedule a live events so that we can track. Chat about it. Synchronously.
[00:03:56] Nola Simon: And again, that's recorded. If somebody couldn't be there, then that's [00:04:00] asynchronous. Catch-up. It's really an important concept when you're working with a distributed team, because this is worldwide. You can really work. With one person on one time zone. And another person, another time zone.
[00:04:12] Nola Simon: If there needs to be. Work that's done at the same time that can be arranged, but it really requires planning. Forethought and communication. And that's really what it comes down to. This is just a quick update, really? Just to say that I'd like you to be thinking about your work routine. How different teams in your organizations work together or don't work together.
[00:04:35] Nola Simon: Whether any of these tools that I've mentioned really could help break down silos and improve the collaboration and the communication. And how does that fuel? The hybrid remote decisions that you have to make in terms of actually strategizing and embedding. Either one or, some elaborate, more elaborate version of hybrid.
[00:04:58] Nola Simon: Within your [00:05:00] organization, does that help you make your decision? For what you have to do right now, but also with this is going to look like in five or 10 years. Something. I wanted to put out there for the long weekend. It's a long weekend in Canada. We have. Victoria Day on Monday.
[00:05:17] Nola Simon: Anyways. Something to consider. So thanks for listening and thank you for joining the podcast. If you do want to join the genius and recess. Community it's Janice And feeling that you can also go to mighty networks and search for James Oasis and it'll come up that way as well, too. So I've updated all my websites. You can find it there too.
[00:05:41] Nola Simon: Again, it's $40 a month. This is a community that doesn't exist anywhere else you I'd know of. No other consultant who specializes in. Hybrid grandma work, especially with a futurist spent. I don't know of any other community built like this. If this is something that you're interested in personally, if [00:06:00] this is something that you think that would help you with your job, if you're in.
[00:06:04] Nola Simon: HR or learning and development or strategy or any job where you're responsible for planning? What. The future of your organization is going to look like. In terms of. Workplace transformation. The community could help and it may even be that your company would pay for it. So that's something I can work with you to every company is going to be individual in terms of what they'll cover and what they won't. But if you need a specific type of receipt,
[00:06:32] Nola Simon: That's something that maybe we could see if it can get expensed and I can work with you individually on that. So reach out to me. Join the community tested out for a month. Worst case scenario, you can always cancel. Worth a shot. And we have a good weekend. Thanks. Thanks. bye